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Painting and decorating apprenticeship gives Ben Hambridge a path into the industry

Ben Hambridge, 22, is currently completing his Level 2 apprenticeship in painting and decorating at Heyford Park.

Having previously worked in the retail industry, he knew he wanted to learn a construction trade, but that finding the right opportunity would take time. He says:

“I used to work in retail, and it just wasn’t for me, the hours were all over the place and I wanted to get out of it and learn a trade.

“Painting apprenticeships are competitive and tricky to secure, but luckily one of the painters at Heyford Park was a friend and he knew Dorchester Living was looking for a painting apprentice. It all went from there and I took the opportunity.”

He currently studies for a day a week at Milton Keynes college and he’s due to finish the course next month.

“I would have started an apprenticeship as soon as I left school if there were more opportunities, but there was limited information about them at school and very little about the construction industry.”

Ben now plans to complete his Level 3 and continue his career as a painter and decorator. 

“Painting and decorating is something totally different and new, and it turns out I really enjoy it. I love that you get to work on the bits of a building that people actually see, and it’s great to sit back and look at your work with satisfaction.

“At Heyford Park I decorated the interior of the new hotel which was amazing as it included bold colours and different wallpapering compared to the interior of a residential building.”

Ben’s been working at Heyford Park for the past two years, and during that time he has built relationships with his colleagues and has also worked alongside other trades teams.

“I tend to work with the same people, which is really helpful as you build good working relationships and that support really helped me to improve.

“The apprenticeship has helped me prepare for success and given me the confidence to do well for the rest of my career. Once I’ve completed it, I will be qualified and have my CSCS card. The skills and connections I have made during my apprenticeship give me confidence that I’ll be able to continue working at Heyford Park in the future as I really enjoy it here.”

He would encourage others to take on an apprenticeship if they’re considering a career in construction. 

“I’d definitely recommend it. The first year can be quite tough but it is absolutely worth it.  You will gather such a great understanding and there is no shock when you go into a career after the apprenticeship as you’ve already been doing the work.”

For more information or to submit an application please email [email protected]

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