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New pharmacy with GP appointment facilities seeks approval to open at Heyford Park

New GP services and a pharmacy could be on the way to the fast-growing development at Heyford Park – but only if people living at Heyford Park show strong support. A group of Bicester based doctors are proposing to open up in a new unit in the Station House on Camp Road, right at the heart of the development that will eventually have 7,000 residents.

Providing the GPs’ new business, called Minerva Clinical Services, is successful in its application to run a pharmacy then patients in Heyford Park and nearby will be able to pick up their prescriptions closer to home and book a GP consultation there – removing a need to travel to Bicester or Deddington. The pharmacy will have a small number of adjoining consultation rooms to allow part time primary care cover from both doctors and nursing staff.

A decision on the pharmacy proposal will be made soon by NHS England and people who support the idea are urged to write to the Practice Manager at Alchester Medical Group who will then pass their letters on for consideration in the process. Letters should explain the personal benefit that having a pharmacy and GP services at this location in mid-Cherwell would bring to local residents and their families.

Dr Toby Quartley, an Alchester Medical Group GP partner and director of Minerva Clinical Services, said: “We’re hoping everyone will wish to welcome the innovative approach that we’re taking to bring new and more local healthcare services into the area. Registered patients will be able to book appointments and to conveniently pick up their prescriptions at the same place. We believe this plan is achievable and will provide a sustainable service of primary healthcare that’s specially tailored for both the present and growing needs of Heyford Park.”

Cherwell District Council’s Lead Member for Health and Wellbeing, Councillor Andrew McHugh, commented: “People living between Bicester and Deddington want to access primary care near to where they live. As areas such as Heyford Park grow, I expect demand will increase. These proposals for additional primary care and pharmacy services in Heyford Park therefore have my full support.”

A virtual public meeting about Heyford Park Pharmacy is planned for Tuesday 10 November at 7.30pm via Zoom. More details will be published online at:

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